School Council Make a Uniform Change!
School Council have been working on a project. The children have used their voice respectfully and listened to their friends to make a change to the school uniform.
After a period of hot weather, the children decided that they wanted the uniform, particularly in the summer, to be more equal between boys and girls and also more comfortable in the hot weather.
School Council worked hard as a team so come up with a solution and design a ’uniform brochure’ which we hope you will find helpful! The main changes are that ‘summer uniform’ can be worn in May, June and July. This includes summer dresses and polo shirts (replacing the shirt and tie in the warmer months). They also wanted to make it clear that in KS1 and KS2, when wearing pinafore dresses, there should be a shirt and tie underneath (unless it is May, June or July).
The uniform brochure is on our website, available at the school office and every child will be taking one home before the summer holidays.
I’m sure you will join me on congratulating School Council on their respectful efforts to make a change.
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