"You can make anything by writing."
C.S. Lewis
Our Intent
When leaving the Cambridge, we aim for children:
- To be confident to adapt language and style to write different text types for a range of purposes whilst showing an awareness of the audience.
- To write fluently with a high standard of grammar and spelling.
Our Implementation
Writing is taught throughout the school using a developing structure of the ‘Talk4Writing’ approach.
Reception-Writing is taught as a whole class. Planning is based upon a rich text and follows the theme of all the learning over a two-week period. The text is read daily throughout this time, so the children are fully immersed and can join in with confidence. A model text (usually in response to an exciting ‘hook’) is shared, learnt, written and innovated by the children. Each week, children work in small, adult-led groups to develop their skills and strategies to promote independence. Children are taught to form letters in the print style with fine motor control supported through activities that promote hand and core strength in addition to visual perception. Spelling is taught discretely during Little Wandle phonics lessons. Independent mark making is promoted from the earliest stages within the learning environment. As children role-play, they write in real-life situations which encourages them to see writing as purposeful which also develops independence.
Key Stage 1 and 2-Writing is taught whole class with planning based upon a rich text that is usually linked to the topic (unless this compromises the text quality). Teaching strategies throughout a unit include modelled, shared and guided writing. Lessons involve the children working collaboratively to support all to achieve using Kagan strategies and differentiation, with dedicated lesson time directed for the children to self-assess, peer assess and edit to improve their work.
Spelling, grammar and punctuation are taught in phonics and English lessons. Often, these elements are taught discretely at first but then within the writing lessons, so the skills are embedded and in context for the children.
Handwriting is taught discretely in the first term, for 10 minutes daily, to set the expectations for the year group. Following this, misconceptions are addressed within lessons or through support groups. The pre-cursive style is taught in Year 1 and perfected in Year 2 with a focus on letter joins, until writing is fully cursive. Children should write in the cursive style in Key Stage 2.